United Kingdom has a well-established education system that consists of different stages, from early years to higher education.
Full Name:
United Kingdom
(2022) 67 Million
Largest city:
94,060 SQ MI
Major Language:
Major Religion:
Life Style & Culture:
Why Choose United Kingdom
People may choose the United Kingdom for various reasons, including its renowned education system with top universities, English language proficiency, cultural diversity, job opportunities, historical and architectural heritage, accessible healthcare system, political stability, global connectivity, emphasis on innovation and research, and overall quality of life.
Life Styles
United Kingdom is characterized by cultural diversity, social etiquette emphasizing politeness, a balanced approach to work-life, a mix of traditional and international cuisine, the significance of pubs and tea culture, a variety of outdoor activities, widespread use of public transportation, access to a comprehensive healthcare system (NHS), a strong emphasis on education and intellectual pursuits, and the experience of distinct seasonal changes. Lifestyle preferences can vary based on factors such as location, occupation, and individual interests.
Law & Rules
United Kingdom is based on common law principles, with a constitutional framework that includes statutes, common law, and constitutional conventions. The UK operates under a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy, and its legal system encompasses both common law and statutory law. The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights, and the legal profession consists of solicitors and barristers.
Beautiful Cities
This is a list of selected cities, towns, and other populated places in the United Kingdom, ordered alphabetically by state.
University, institution of higher education, usually comprising a college of liberal arts and sciences and graduate and professionals. The short story shut a final door and other tales of loveless.